Ps2 Saves Download
I can download PS2 saves to my PS3? I'd like a GTA SA save file. Jul 31, 2007 43,507 0 1,210 Anchorage Alaska. Jun 18, 2008 #8. Roms Isos PSX, PS1, PS2, PSP, Arcade, NDS, 3DS, Wii, Gamecube, Snes, Mega drive, Nintendo 64, GBA, Dreamcast download via torrent. If you have access to a PS3 and a PS2-memcard-to-USB converter, you can copy the PS2 saves to the PS3. Then, from the PS3 you can copy the saves to a USB drive which should be accessible from a PC. I can't say if the resulting files are compatible with PCSX2 though. And converting from mc ps2 saves with PS2 Save Builder to.psu files and then importing it into a.ps2 file with mymc. So, I am helped now thanks again. Also, I can put the.psu files on my ps2 with a USB stick (uLaunchLELF) or using a micro USB cable to connect to my PS2 memory card. /asmaul-husna-pdf.html. 64MB & 128MB & 256MB PS2 Memory Card. If you want a 64MB memory card for your PS2, you can try one from Old Skool. This memory card is compatible with all PS2 systems and all PS2 games. With this card, you can load, save, copy, and delete game saves with ease. For 128MB and 256MB PS2 memory cards, you can try Suncala’s memory card.

PS2 Save Builder is a program to extract any save games into a folder and transfer them into a flash drive.
You can use wuLaunchElf to transfer it on a memory card.

This is how you get game saves:
Ps2 Save Game Files
Ps2 Game Saves Download
- Go to
- Click on the first letter of the title you want
(if i want a game save of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, then I would click on the letter M). - Scroll down the list until you found the game you want.
- Click on 'Save' in the right
(NOTE: If it doesn't say 'Save', then that means they don't have the save file. Sorry). - Find the game save you want, and click on 'Save Game File'
(WARNING: Make sure the game save you want is the same region your game is.
A European game save will not work with an North America game.) - And it should download automatically.
For those who have a problem with run it on Windows 7 and above,
here is an another version: